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6728781 หลอด Tube วัดสารเคมีประเภท Sulphuric Acid 1/a (9) ยี่ห้อ Draeger

6728781 หลอด Tube วัดสารเคมีประเภท Sulphuric Acid 1/a (9) ยี่ห้อ Draeger

รหัสสินค้า : 62-2200-S09
Application RangeStandard Measuring Range: 1 to 5 mg/m3Discoloration compared to colorcomparison tube.Number of Strokes n: 100Time for Measurement: approx. 100 min

หมวดหมู่ : 23-หลอด Tube หมวดอักษร S



Application Range
Standard Measuring Range: 1 to 5 mg/m3
Discoloration compared to color
comparison tube.
Number of Strokes n: 100
Time for Measurement: approx. 100 min
Standard Deviation: ± 30 %
Color Change: brown -> pink violet
Ambient Operating Conditions
Temperature: 5 to 40 °C
Absolute Humidity: < 15 mg H2O / L
Reaction Principle
H2SO4 + barium chloroanilate -> chloranilic acid + Ba2 SO4
Cross Sensitivity
Sulfur trioxide in the gaseous form is not indicated, but in the presence of atmospheric humidity this forms sulfuric acid aerosols, which are indicated.
Soluble sulfates and other aerosol forming acids are also indicated but with different sensitivities. It is impossible to measure sulfuric acid in the presence of these substances.
Additional Information
After performing the required 100 pump strokes the reagent ampoule must be broken and the liquid transferred completely onto the brown reagent
layer. Wait one minute before drawing the liquid carefully through the brown layer with approx. 1⁄4 pump stroke into the indication chamber. The
measurement must be evaluated immediately.

60/1 หมู่ 5, ถนนทางหลวงหมายเลข 36, ตำบลทับมา อำเภอเมืองระยอง จังหวัดระยอง, 21000
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